Bidford Community Library

We are now able to extend our opening times with an additional Friday afternoon opening.
From Monday 9th May we shall be open at the following times:
- Mondays 10.00 to 4.00
- Tuesdays 10.00 to 4.00
- Fridays 10.00 to 4.00
- Saturdays 10.00 to 12.00
Coming Soon: Storytots!

Storytots at Bidford Community Library from Monday 23th September, 10.30am to 11.30am.
Storytots sessions are aimed at babies and toddlers, aged under 5, along with their mums, dads and carers.
We will read stories and sing nursery rhymes and action songs. It will be fun, interactive and noisy!
Bidford Community Library Ltd., (BCL) formed as a Social Enterprise, has been providing a full County Council Library service to the communities of Bidford-on-Avon and neighbouring villages, since April 2012, when Warwickshire County Council took the decision to close it, together with 16 other libraries across the county. It was “officially” opened by renowned children’s author Anne Fine on 2nd May 2012.
As a Social Enterprise company, it has a Board of Directors, and it is managed entirely by enthusiastic volunteers.
After proving its success and viability, Warwickshire County Council agreed to grant BCL a 25 year lease of the site at a peppercorn rent and, thanks to funding provided by a Section 106 Planning Obligation, it was fully refurbished ion Spring 2018 – making it a lighter and more colourful place. The new shelving makes browsing easier and more enjoyable and has made it more flexible and suitable for meeting and events.
BCL has organised popular evening events which many residents and visitors have attended, on a variety of topics which have included: Morris Dancing, Photography; Tai Chi; Cyber Safety and a very successful and entertaining literary evening with the author A.L. Kennedy. BCL also organises a popular Quiz and Fish Supper every February.
Christmas is a special time for children and every year a Santa’s Grotto is installed to the delight of our younger members. BCL also takes part in the national Summer Reading Challenge and has been very successful – the Best Community Library in the County. BCL also offers Books on Prescription – perhaps you can have a look at this section next time you are in the library.

BCL is more than a library, it is also a Community Hub hosting a number of activities:
- Mondays (weekly) @ 10.30 Story Tots pre-school
- Mondays (fortnightly) @ 12.30 Creative Writing
- Mondays (2nd & 4th) @14.00 Device advice
- Monday (1st) @14.00 Reading Group
- Wednesdays (weekly) @ 13.00 Knit and Natter
- Wednesdays (weekly) @ 15.15 Click Clack
- Friday (3rd) @ 10.30 Citizens Advice
- Friday ((last) @ 16.00 LEGO Club
Bidford Community Library is a Community Service Centre where all are welcome – why not come and pay us a visit? We are in the same building as the Primary School and Parish Council and our volunteers will be more than happy to assist you.
The aims of Bidford Community Library
The aims of the company are:
- To provide a library service for the local community and to facilitate a community hub to promote community cohesion;
- To provide social, entertainment and educational services and activities which could help reduce feelings of isolation and rural deprivation;
- To promote volunteering, interaction, communication and wellbeing between individuals, groups and businesses to enhance community spirit;
- To provide and develop IT facilities including internet usage for the community and to develop a support network for users as required;
- To encourage all sections of the community to use the services and facilities provided and to focus the provision on the needs as recognised and in particular to encourage new skills;
- To provide services by associating with voluntary organisations, local authorities, health organisations, local communities and local organisations in a common effort to provide services enabling individuals to move forward with their lives;
- To manage and improve the facilities and services of the Company which, in the opinion of the Directors, may enhance the sustainability of the Company.
Bramley Way
B50 4QG
(next to the school)
Opening Hours
10.00am to 4.00pm
10.00am to 4.00pm
10.00am to 4.00pm
10.00am to 12.00 noon