The Parish Council

This page contains information relating to Bidford Parish Council.
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Bidford-On-Avon Parish Council Introduction

Bidford-on-Avon Parish Council, which is the tier of local government closest to its community, was created in 1895 – just one year after parish councils were formed under the Local Government Act of 1984 “to take over local oversight of civic duties in rural town and villages from the vestry committee”.

Bidford-on-Avon Parish Council covers the village of Bidford-on-Avon itself, as well as Broom and the hamlets of Barton and Marlcliff and its 6,101 residents are represented by 10 Councillors, all of which are elected every 4 years. The Chairman of the parish Council is elected, annually, by the Parish Council at its Annual Meeting, which takes place every year in May.

It is divided into 2 wards:

  • Bidford East – represented by 5 councillors
  • Bidford West – represented by 5 councillors

It is also represented by 1 County Councillor (first tier of local government) and by 2 District Councillors at Stratford-on-Avon DC (second tier of local government).

As required by law, the Parish Council employs a Clerk, also known as Proper Officer, who is the Chief Executive of the Council: it is the Clerk’s duty to advise Council, carry out its instructions and act as administrator. And a Responsible Financial Officer (RFO. Often, as is the current case, the Clerk and the RFO are one and the same.

Bidford-on-Avon Parish Council is responsible for the allotments, cemeteries and play areas/public open space. It also maintains the grass verges and the churchyard in behalf of District Council.

The Council holds Parish Council meetings once a month: on the last Monday (except Bank Holidays) and monthly Consultative Planning Committee meetings on the second Monday of the month. All meetings are open to the public who are able to raise issues under an Item called Public Forum – this is, however, the only time they can.

It also has 2 main Working Groups, which meet regularly and send reports and recommendation to Full Council for approval, namely:

  • Facilities WG
  • Play areas
  • Sport
  • How best to support businesses
  • High Street Development
  • Industrial Estates
  • Youth and Community WG
  • Youth
  • Elderly and vulnerable
  • Community

Following the decision of the Parish Council to review its Recreation Strategy, a new Working Group 'Your Village, Your Voice' was set up in November 2021. This is an extensive project to improve the recreation facilities, both indoors and outdoors, of the village based on the survey replies received. The Parish Council appointed a Project Manager to independently manage the project to ensure the best outcome for the local community. It is envisaged that volunteer members of the community will be invited to form part of this project to truly make it Your Village, Your Voice.

Following the Localism Act 2011, the Parish Council, together with members of the local community, worked on a Neighbourhood Development Plan (NDP), which went to Referendum on 29th June 2017, and was passed with a 94.1% support. It was “made” i.e. became a statutory document, in July 2017 and, since then, its policies must be taken into account when considering any planning applications. Although a NDP does not prevent development, it is a useful document for managing it and the NDP policies have been instrumental in a number of planning appeals being dismissed by Planning Inspectors.

Bidford-on-Avon is a very active Parish Council, always looking at ways to improve the quality of life of its local community and welcomes any good ideas from residents.


Bidford on Avon Parish Council provides a voice at the heart of the community in local government.

As the democratic, representative voice for the parish the main aims are:

  • Be accountable in all its council activities
  • Be responsive to the needs and wellbeing of the whole community
  • Work with individuals, groups, and partners to develop solutions to 
 meet local needs
  • Encourage community participation and foster a socially 
 inclusive and caring community in which residents can be 
 influential in their future and that of the parish
  • Be pro-active in protecting the local environment
  • Be pro-active in raising pride in the village

Approved by Full Council on Monday 18th December 2023

Council Meetings

Take place at the Parish Council Meeting Room, next to the Community Library on Bramley Way, on the following dates:

  • Monday 25th November 2024
  • Monday 16th December 2024
  • Monday 20th January 2025
  • Monday 24th February 2025
  • Monday 31st March 2025
  • Monday 28th April 2025
  • Monday 19th May 2025 (Annual 
 Meeting of the Parish Council)

The public are welcome to attend and can participate in the Public Forum. However, please be aware that Council will only be able to respond to issues relating to the business to be transacted at the meeting. Approximately 15 minutes in total; 3 minutes per person. Please note that this is the only opportunity members of the public have to raise issues as, once the meeting has started, all discussions are limited to the Council and Officers.

Latest Agenda

The agenda for upcoming meetings will be available here a few days before each meeting. Please click the button to view the latest agenda (opens PDF).
** Please note that the Parish Council meeting on Monday 25th November will take place at Broom Village Hall **
Parish Council Meeting Agenda Mon 25 November 2024
Parish Council Annual Parish Assembly Wed 22 May

Minutes of Previous Meetings

Map of Big Meadow Fencing

You can download a PDF of the map below by clicking this link.
Clerk to the Council
Mrs Elisabeth Uggerloese

Although Spanish (and married to a Dane) I was educated in England and have lived here, with my husband, since 1980 moving to Broom in December 1990.

After working 14 years in Pershore, I became Clerk to Bidford-on-Avon Parish Council on 1st August 2004. I have found it an interesting and challenging job which has changed over the years, becoming more professional and demanding.

I am a “Qualified Clerk” having obtained my Certificate in Local Council Administration (known as CiLCA) in 2008 and, with the support of the Parish Council, my BA (Hons) degree, at the University of Gloucestershire, Cheltenham in Community Engagement and Governance (CEG) in 2014 (at the ripe age of 60). Studying and working at the same time was demanding and gave me little time for myself: but it was worth it as the knowledge has stood me in good stead helping me to carry out my work to the best of my ability.

Mrs Elisabeth Uggerloese
I speak English, Spanish and Danish with some knowledge of French. I am a Liverpool FC supporter, love reading, walking and watching sport in general. I am also a Director of Bidford Community Library, having worked hard with the then Chairman, Cllr Mike Gerrard, to ensure it remained open to service the local community.
I am also a Director of the Warwickshire and West Midlands Association of Local Councils Ltd (WALC Ltd) and the Chairman of its Stratford Area Meeting.

Part Time Administrative Assistant (Monday to Thursday mornings)

Hilary Wren
Tel. 01789 778653

Here are the roles, names and telephone numbers of our Parish Councillors, as well as contact information for the Clerk to the Council.

Bidford East Ward

Karen Ho

Communities WG, Your Village, Your Voice

Telephone: 01789 778653

Penny Taylor
Penny Taylor

Telephone: 01789 774606

Rob Williams

Chairman of the Council

Telephone: 07824 369499

Paula Moore

Your Village Your Voice Chairman, Facilities WG

Telephone: 01789 778653

Penny Barry
Huw Lewis

Telephone: 07834 059016

Bidford West Ward

Fred Hiscocks

Vice-chairman of the Council

Facilities WG

Telephone: 01789 778464

Tereza Cullum
Tereza (Teri) Cullum (she/her, they/them)

Chairman of the Consultative Planning Committee, Communities WG

Telephone: 01789 778653

Marc Hopcraft


Martin Paterson

Telephone: 07748 637006

Register of Councillor's Disclosable Pecuniary Interests - you can find details of the interests that have been notified by Councillors on the Stratford District Council website (external link).

District Council Members

County Council Member

Member of Parliament

Parish Council Office

The Parish Council is open to the public Monday to Friday 10.00am to 1.00pm.

The Parish Council Office is located in the same building as Bidford CE Primary School and Bidford Community Library on Bramley Way, to the right of the main school reception entrance.


Parish Councils have powers to represent and support their local communities. They protect local environments and provide local services and facilities. Many of the decisions involve public money so it is essential that the council's business is conducted in a correct and transparent manner.

In order to achieve transparency, confidence and legal decision-making, there are rules for conducting business, established in law and good practice, namely Procedures which:

  • help the council to act in a legal and consistent manner;
  • protect the council from making unlawful decisions;
  • support good chairmanship;
  • guide councillors.

Standing Orders represent agreement among councillors and help the Chairman manage the meetings and prevent disagreement over how to conduct business. Standing Orders are regularly reviewed by the Parish Council, and updated when appropriate. An order required by law will be in bold. Click the link below to view the Standing Order Procedures in full.

Standing Order Procedures - updated July 2024

Financial Regulations govern the conduct of financial management by the council and set out how the council meets its responsibilities. Like Standing Orders they are regularly reviewed and updated.

Financial Regulations - updated July 2024

Freedom of Information as required by the Freedom of Information Act 2000, the Parish Council has adopted a model scheme approved by the Information Commissioner.

The Parish Council may also adopt other procedures that assist it in carrying out its functions.

Freedom of Information Act: Model Publication Scheme - adopted 2008

2021 Census Figures

View and download the 2021 Census Figures for Bidford-on-Avon Parish. If using a PDF reader, click the button below to view a PDF of the results.
2021 Census Figures