How To

On this page you can find details of how to apply for a grant for your local community or sports association, information about Big Meadow (including parking passes and holding events), and details of how to report a crime. Scroll down or use the buttons below to move to the relevant section.

Call for Local Contractors!

Bidford on Avon Parish Council is putting together a comprehensive List of Local Contractors that it can approach for quotes when work within the parish is required.

The jobs are varied and often are time specific.

If you are interested in being included, please complete and return a Local Contactor Application Form which is available using the link below, or can be obtained by contacting the Clerk on
Please note that the Parish Council will hold you responsible for any work carried out, under your instructions, by a sub contractor.

The information to be sent to:

The Clerk to the Parish Council
c/o Bidford Post Office
Salford Road
B50 4AW

or email it to:

Local Contactor Application Form PDF (if you prefer to print off and fill in by hand)

Local Contactor Application Form Excel Spreadsheet (to be filled in and returned by email)

Thank you for your interest.

Policy For Grant Applications

Bidford-on-Avon Parish Council’s aim is to improve the quality of life of the people of the parish and ensure it is a desirable, safe and sustainable place to live and work.

Bidford-on-Avon Parish Council’s Aims and Vision

The Parish Council is committed to improve, maintain, strengthen and support the many local community/sports associations and groups that help to make a positive difference in Bidford-on-Avon. The Grant Scheme has been set up to assist community/sports organisations, groups and individuals to get started and to continue contributing to the local community. In special circumstances, this may include assisting with the running costs.

The Parish Council is looking to enable local community/sports associations and groups to benefit the local community and improve the quality of life of some or all residents.

Its aim is to involve the community and make a difference, not only through its grant process, but also by exploring other ways in which they can grow and develop.

Its vision to work with all local community/sports groups and enable them to work in partnership for their benefit and the benefit of those around them.

Grant Process and Guidelines

Applications can be completed and sent, by email or post, to the Parish Council at any time and will be considered, by the appropriate Working Group, at its next meeting after receipt of the application.
The Working Group will consider the application and make its recommendation to full council which will make the final decision. Applicants will be advised of the date of the Parish Council meeting when the decision will be made.

Grants will be considered for:

  • Start up groups subject to a satisfactory business plan

  • Specific projects

  • Purchase of specific equipment

  • Identified issues that require funding

  • Sponsorship

  • Funding of outside groups that benefit the local community such as CA South Warwickshire and other UK based charities or organisations

  • In special circumstances, grants to assist the running costs of an organisation. When it is deemed that lack of funding may result in the closure or scaling down of the organisation with the consequent harm to the local community

    All organisations and individuals which are awarded a grant must make a full report to the Parish Council on how the money was spent and what benefits were derived from it within 12 months of receiving the funds.

    Organisations or individuals will need to fully complete the attached Grant Application.

Grants Application Policy (pdf)
Grants Application Form (pdf)

The Big Meadow - Free Car Pass Fob Information

A view of Bidford Bridge through trees
Canal boats on the Avon at Bidford
A tractor mowing grass on the Big Meadow


The 2024 Big Meadow Summer Season will open on Saturday 20th April, thanks to the recent dry weather.

All residents of Bidford on Avon Parish Council (Barton, Bidford on Avon, Broom and Marlcliff) are eligible for Free Car Parking in the Big Meadow and can apply for a Car Fob from Monday 18th March 10.00am – 1.00pm at the Parish Council Office, Bramley Way, B50 4QG.

If you are not on the Electoral Roll, or you are unsure if you are, please bring your Council Tax Invoice, as proof of residence.

You will also need to know the registration of the vehicles as each fob corresponds to a car registration

If you already have a car fob, you don’t need to apply for a new one. If you change your car registration, please advise the Parish Council Office , giving your fob number and new Car Reg.  You can:

Replacement fobs may incur a fee of £5

    Apply to hold an event on the Big Meadow

    The Parish Council is keen to encourage use of The Big Meadow as a summer venue for events.

    See the guide and booking form below for more information on the available sites, any applicable charges, and special conditions of use.

    Big Meadow Guide and Event Application Form (pdf)

    Wathcing the Duck Race Loading The Ducks
    Tipping the rubber ducks into the Avon
    Visitors at the Steam Rally Children watching the ducks float by
    Girls using a climbing wall at Big Meadow
    Love Clean Streets Logo
    Bidford Parish Council recommends Love Clean Streets, an app that makes it easy to submit environmental issues automatically to your local authority. If you see a problem in or around Bidford, you can contact us easily via the app, which enables us to act quickly in response. Watch the video for a quick summary of how Love Clean Streets work, and use the icons below to download the app from either the Apple App Store or Google Play. And there's more information at
    Image Image
    Report a Crime

    If you've witnessed or been the victim of crime, the link below will take you to the Warwickshire Police website, where you can contact Warwickshire Police directly. Please remember, if you feel that there is an immediate danger either to yourself or others, call 999. (opens external link)

    Warwickshire Police Logo

    Latest Road Closures

    If you’re looking for information relating to current planned roadworks and road closures in and around Bidford, Warwickshire County Council have an interactive map that you can use to find out. Click the link below and you will open the map on the Warwickshire County Council website, then simply zoom in and drag the map to where you wish to check. You can choose to view items from today, the next two weeks, six months or twelve months.

    Advertising Gates

    The Parish Council has installed a number of Advertising Gates at various entrances to the village, to help local groups advertise their event(s) free of charge.

    When not in use, business will be able to book the gates at a cost of £25 per week per gate

    These Advertising gates are located at:

    • B439 Stratford Road (entry from Stratford)
    • B439 Tower Hill (opposite Waterloo Road)
    • B439 Salford Road (entry from Salford Priors)
    • Waterloo Road
    • Honeybourne Road

    To book the Advertising Gates for your event(s) please download and complete the relevant form below and send to

    Advertising Gates Form

    Burial Charges

    To view and download a copy of all information relating to Burial Charges, regulations and forms, please click the links below.