
This page contains information about the Neighbourhood Development Plan for the parish, as well as details of all current planning applications in Bidford-On-Avon, Barton, Broom and Marlcliff. You can open the Neighbourhood Development Plan by clicking the button below (opens PDF file). You can also view and download a copy of the Housing Needs Survery Report (opens PDF).
Neighbourhood Development Plan

Housing Needs Survey Report

Neighbourhood Development Order - Localities Toolkit

Enhancing Community Facilities Report

Current Applications

All applications for planning are considered at meetings of the Planning Committee.

All applications submitted in the past six months are held on the Stratford-on-Avon District Council website, and can be read below. Alternatively, you can do a detailed search on the SDC Planning database (external link). To open details of an application from this page, right-click the appropraite reference number and 'open link in new tab' - this will open the application on the Stratford District Council E-Planning system website.

Planning Committee Meetings

Upcoming Meetings

  • Monday 11th November 2024 ** CANCELLED **
  • Monday 9th December 2024
  • Monday 13th January 2025
  • Monday 10th February 2025
  • Monday 10th March 2025
  • Monday 14th April 2025
  • Monday 12th May 2025

Latest Agenda

The agenda for upcoming meetings will be available here a few days before each meeting. Please click the button to view the latest agenda (opens PDF).
Monday 9th December 2024

Minutes of Previous Planning Meetings


This Policy was drawn up to ensure that, in the event Council is required to make a comment to the Local Planning Authority BEFORE it next meets, Council can meet its obligations.

Stratford-on-Avon DC requires comments to be received by a set date to ensure they meet its obligation as the Local Planning Authority. This means that, in some instances, the Parish Council has to send comments before it meets at either a Planning Committee or Parish Council Meeting.

To ensure the Parish Council meets its obligations as the representative of its electorate it was resolved that:

  • The Chairman of the Planning Committee and 1 other councillor are given delegated powers to reply to minor applications.
  • In the case of major or controversial applications an extraordinary Planning
Committee Meeting be arranged to consider the application.


South Warwickshire Local Plan Consultation

Stratford-on-Avon and Warwick District Councils are working together to produce a new South Warwickshire Local Plan to cover our combined geographic area. This new local plan will set planning policies about where and how new jobs, homes and infrastructure are all delivered in the context of place-shaping and addressing climate change. The best way to view the consultation document and supporting evidence and make comments is online at

The Issues and Options consultation runs for 8 weeks from 9 January to 6 March 2023 and seeks the views of residents, businesses, developers, infrastructure providers, community groups and all other stakeholders on how we should plan for the future of South Warwickshire up to 2050. We are still at the early stages of the process (stage 2 of 8) and further public consultations will follow. This consultation sets out a number of ideas and asks a series of questions.

We want your views on the ISSUES we raise and the OPTIONS we propose as possible solutions. We would like to invite you to an online event. Officers will be present to provide an initial presentation on the Issues and Options consultation and this will be followed by an opportunity for attendees to ask questions.

Thursday 16th February, 11:00am-12:30pm

Click on this link to join

To view details of the Issues & Options Consultation, please click this link (opens external website).

To view a PDF of the report in full, please click this link (opens PDF).

Planning 2011 to 2031

Local Development Framework - The Core Strategy

The District Council has started to prepare a series of planning documents to guide development and change in the District over the next 20 years. They will determine where new homes are built, where new jobs are created and how people can travel to get to the things they need.

The first and most important of these documents is the Core Strategy, because it will set the course for everything to follow. It will present a vision of how we want the District to look and function in 2026.

There are some big challenges facing our District, which the Core Strategy will need to address such as:

  • Where should new homes be built and new jobs located?
  • How can we meet the housing needs of local people?
  • How can we reduce the impacts of climate change?
  • How can we make sure everyone can reach the services they need?
  • How do we protect our rich heritage and landscape?

The Parish Council, as well as the local community, has been asked to respond to the Core Strategy Consultation paper, and you will find the replies sent by the Parish Council on this site.

Neighbourhood Planning

The Localism Act, which received its Royal Assent on 15 November 2011 "sets out a series of measures with the potential to achieve a substantial and lasting shift in power away from central government and towards local people." (Greg, Clark MP Minister of State for Decentralization).

Neighbourhood Planning is a new way for communities to decide the future of the places where they live and/or work. Where they want new homes, shops, offices. What they should look like. When they should be built.

Neighbourhood Development Plan

The Plan will influence the future of Bidford-on-Avon parish, including Barton, Broom and Marlcliff – homes, jobs, transport, etc. so it is important that ALL participate to ensure future Bidford is what the Bidford community want it to be.

Neil Pearce, a planning consultant, made a great presentation at a meeting on 24 November which can be read below.

You may also wish to visit the Stratford-upon-Avon Neighbourhood Plan site - - to obtain more information as to what is required and what can be delivered.

Further information will be posted on this site.